What we played with before PCs

Activity: Istanbul Toy Museum
Location: Goztepe
Time Spent: 4 hours
Price: 12TL (regular), 9TL (student)
Web: Link

The museum is founded and maintained by the famous poet Sunay Akın. Even though the collection ranges back to the 1700s, it is very likely that you will recognize a good amount of these toys even if you were born in the 90s. In order to say "I had this" I recommend you go with a peer. You should definitely do some research ahead of time about the story behind some of the most famous toys so you can get the full experience. You also get to see one of Charlie Chaplin's toys. This was a heart-warming experience that brought me back to my childhood.

Tickets: search on Google as the Biletix link changes every 2 weeks
Personal Score: 9/10