Hiking Mount Si

Activity: Hike Mount Si (not Little Si)
Location: Snoqualmie Region
Time Spent: 6 hours
Price: $10 per car per trip OR $33 for the year
Web: Goverment Site

The view is amazing! I could praise the clean air, the mesmerizing trees, or the quality trail, but all are beaten by the view you see once you make it up to the summit. I actually had other plans on the same day, so I had to jog the last 2 (and the steepest) miles of the hike to be able to make it in time. And I only got a sneak peak of the summit view, but I still believe that taking the jog was the best decision I made. You shouldn't do the same, allow at least 8 hours once you arrive to complete your hike. The drive takes around 90 minutes from Seattle and you need a discovery pass that can be purchased online per trip or annually. The full hike is 8 miles with 3000 feet elevation gain, but is not too hard and can be completed by anyone give enough time, including these little guys. People were very friendly and we saw a lot of dogs. We were also glad we brought around 2 liters of water per person, lots of snacks, and a good lunch (bought from a nearby QFC store) for the summit. Be on the lookout for other good picture spots as you hike, and don't forget to feed the Chipmunks once you make it to the top. I highly recommend hiking shoes (my feet were sour for the next 2 days) and even heavier gear if you want to climb the rocks at the summit to get an even better view. I took over 4 long hikes during my Seattle visit and this was by far the best experience, so check out my personal score for it below.

Personal Score: 9/10